tvc-stream-acodec: stream audio codec (ac3, aac).tvc-stream-vcodec: stream video codec (h264, mpeg2).Setting the value to 24 hours or longer ( "86400") will create 24 hour airings, but will drop the extra titles it creates for these airings. You can set the value to "false" to tell Channels to not make any placeholder airings at all. tvc-guide-placeholders: Duration of the placeholder.But you can control this yourself by providing their duration in seconds. By default it creates them with 1 hour durations. It will even create special titles, series IDs, and program IDs based on the time slot so that you can make a Series Pass for them. When your custom channel has no guide data, Channels will create airings for your channel.

strict options: Movie, Sports event, Series

Tvc-guide-art: guide item art url (4x3 aspect ratio) tvc-guide-description: guide item description.If your custom channel has no guide data, you can use these tags to create default guide data to look better in Channels. tvc-guide-stationid: Gracenote station id.Use this tag to set the station identifier and it will automatically get guide data. We’ve created these new tags that allow you to provide more information to create a better experience in Channels. Channels will merge them together and use the prioritized channel. Note: Be sure not to use a channel number that exists in another source’s lineup.